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People have always asked Jesus questions:

A woman at the well challenged Jesus: „What about the Savior who is supposed to come?“ His friends asked him, when they were almost drowning: „Why are you sleeping?“ An imprisoned cousin sent his friends to find out: „Who are you really?“ His neighbors and childhood friends wanted to know: „Don’t we know your brothers?“

Since then, millions of people have found answers to their questions. To ask questions is one way of encountering Jesus. Maybe he wants to encounter you too?


We have asked more than 300 students since April 2023, what question they would ask Jesus. Here are the results!

If you have questions, want to know more or if something is on your mind, we are here for you. On the backside of the flip cards, you can not only find the link to all the questions, but also suggestions on how to start your journey in getting to know Jesus (better). Of course you can also use the contact form to write to us.

The results are personal and anonymous. They may change in the future!


And now: ENJOY!!!

Socio-critical questions, theodicy

We counted most of the questions in this category. Questions like "What do you think about the society and its development?" or "Why is there so much suffering in the world?" are found here. About a third (31%) of the questions belong here.

Socio-critical questions, theodicy

Many of these questions arise when we look around attentively. People suffering, a changing society, injustice and difficult situations are around us. Maybe one of the questions is so pressing for you, that you want to know more about it. In that case, you could try reading the Gospel of John, to find out how Jesus reacted to some of the challenges he encountered on this earth and how he reacted to people around him.
to the overview

Personal questions or remarks

In second place, we put personal questions for Jesus. Here you can find a diverse mix of topics. Questions like "How are you?" or "Is it really you?" or comments like "I like what you did." were counted in this category. 30% of the questions were put here.

Personal questions or remarks

In this category you can find the most different topics. Sometimes, people tried to treat Jesus like a normal person like you and I, or they had a very personal question only concerning themselves and Jesus. If one of these questions is on your mind, you could start by praying to Jesus. You don't have to find big words, but you can talk with him like any other. A simple "Jesus, if you're real, please show me." can be enough, you could be surprised by how Jesus then reacts.
to the overview

Numbers, facts, truth

20% of the questions were sorted in this category. You can find questions about historical events, questions like "Is it true what the Bible says?" or "How was it like living back then?" here.

Numbers, facts, truth

Like the title says, this category is about facts, history and the question about what is true. If one of these questions keeps coming to your mind, there are great resources on how to find answers to these questions, like talks or books. Sometimes a visit to a museum can also help you to get a feel of how the times were like when Jesus was living on this earth.
to the overview

Questions about purpose and the afterlife

Just over 10% of the question are concerning this category. "Is there a life after death?" and "Why are there people on this earth?" were put here.

Questions about purpose and the afterlife

Even though at first glance, these questions don't have anything to do with each other, they ask about something that's not measurable, but that is bigger or beyond our own reasoning, we need imagination. They are existential questions that were asked by humans since the beginning. If one of these questions is on your mind, you could check out some videos by "Gottkennen.at" (in German) or other video testimonies by people, where they tell about how they found answers to their questions about why they are here.
to the overview

Philosophical questions

The las of the categories is about philosophical questions, with about 10% of the data. "Are you real?" or "What makes good things good?" are two examples of these questions, next to many other very interesting questions!

Philosophical questions

If you think about God in more philosophical terms, you are not alone! In case one of these philosophical questions doesn't let you go and you want to delve more deeply into them, you could try and watch some videos on "profundum.at" (in German) or read up on some books by Christian philosophers. You could also watch some discussions, or maybe thinkers in church history could help you find answers to your questions.
to the overview